Fitness Complete 2 rounds for time of: 500m Run 125 Double Unders 50 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 25 Hand Release Burpees Performance Primer: Behind the Neck Jerk 3 x 3 Clean and Jerk 5 x 2 Clean Pull 4 x 3 Post time and loads to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGFitness Every 90secs for 5 sets of: 8 Seated Dumbbell Press For Time: 40 Wall Balls 20 Dumbbell Snatches 20/15 40 Air Squats 20 Dumbbell Snatches 20/15 40 Wall Balls Performance Press 3-3-3-3-3 @75% Complete 3 rounds of: 16 Dumbbell Snatches 30/20 22 Box Jumps 3 Rope Climbs Post load and scores to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGFitness 5 Sets of: 12 Dumbbell Lunges + 8 Ring Rows Rest 60secs Complete as many rounds as possible in 13 minutes of: 10 Overhead Squats 42.5/30 10 Pull Ups 10 Box Jumps Performance Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 @ 75% then Good Mornings 3×8 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 10 Pistol […]
CONTINUE READINGPartner WOD In 16 minutes. Buy in: 75-50-25 Double Unders 21-15-9 Power Cleans 60/40 15-12-9 Lateral Burpees –Then– AMRAP in remaining time of: 350m Run 30 Kettlebell Swings 32/24 Post total rounds to comments.
CONTINUE READINGFitness and Performance “Fight Gone Bad” Complete 3 rounds, 1 minute per station of: Wall Ball SDHP 35/25 Box Jump Push Press 35/25 Row (Calories) Rest 1 minute. Post total reps to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGFitness and Performance 16 minutes to find a 1RM Back Squat then EMOM for as long as possible: (10 minute Cap) 1st minute: 5 Burpees 1 Cluster 70/45 2nd minute: 5 Burpees 2 Cluster 70/45 3rd minute: 5 Burpees 3 Cluster 70/45 4th minute: 5 Burpees 4 Cluster 70/45… etc Post load and scores to […]
CONTINUE READINGFitness and Performance 15 minutes to find a 1RM Power Snatch 3 minute rest Max secs L – Sit 2 minutes rest Max Rep Strict Pull Up 2 minutes rest Max Strict HSPU in 90secs Or Max Push Ups in 90sec 2 minute rest 800m Run (8min Cap) 3 minute rest EMOM for as long […]
CONTINUE READINGFitness and Performance 15 minutes to find a 1RM Power Clean Rest 3 minutes then, 13 minutes to find a 1RM Push Press Rest 3 minutes then, 1km Row for time Post load and scores to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGFitness and Performance 18 minutes to find a 3RM Deadlift then “Helen” 15min Cap 3 Rounds for time: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 12 Pull Ups Post load and scores to the whiteboard.