Clean 2-2-2-2-2 Increase No TNG Complete 3 rounds for time of: 9 Hang Power Clean 70/50 12 Front Rack Lunges 70/50 15 Plated Sit Ups 20/10 Post load and time to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGComplete 4 rounds for time of: 70 Double Unders 10 Burpee Box Jumps 20 Toes to Bar 10 Back Squats 70/50 Post time to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGPress 3-3-3-3-3-3 Across Complete as many reps of the 10 minute ladder of: 3 Power Snatch 50/30 6 Wall Balls 6 Power Snatch 50/30 12 Wall Balls 9 Power Snatch 50/30 18 Wall Balls 12 Power Snatch 50/30 24 Wall Balls…. etc Post load and reps to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGDeadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Increase “Helen” Complete 3 rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 12 Pull Ups Post load and time to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGWe are closed today due to our team competing at the CrossFit Regionals, here is a workout that can be completed at home. Normal hours resume on Monday. For Time: 40 Burpees 1km Run 40 Burpees Post time to comments.
CONTINUE READINGDue to our team competing in the CrossFit Regionals this weekend, we’ll be closed today through to Sunday and will be back to normal hours as of Monday. Here is a WOD that can be completed at home and we’ll post another one tomorrow here on the website. Complete as many rounds as possible in […]
CONTINUE READINGDue to our team competing in the CrossFit Regionals this weekend, we only have a 5am, 6am and 9am session today. We’ll be closed from this afternoon through to Sunday and will be back to normal hours as of Monday. WOD’s will still be posted for Friday and Saturday here on the website that can […]
CONTINUE READINGThursday we only have a 5am, 6am, and 9am sesssion. Open gym Thursday morning is per normal but no afternoon sessions. For Time: 800m Sandbag Run Then 3 rounds of: 50 Air Squats 30 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 10 Shoulder to Overhead 65/42.5 Post time to the whiteboard
CONTINUE READINGPush Jerk 15 minutes to find a 10RM Complete 3 x 5 min rounds of: 5 Power Clean 70/50 10 Burpees 15 Box Jumps 1 minute rest Post load and rounds to the whiteboard