Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 80 Double Unders Then 3 rounds of: 12 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 10 Toes to Bar 8 Burpees Post rounds to the whiteboard
CONTINUE READINGPower Clean EMOM for 8 minutes – 3 reps @ 70% For Time: 1000m Row 50 Box Jump Overs 30 Shoulder to Overhead 70/50 Post load and time to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGBack Squat 3×3@85% 2×2@90% Complete 10 rounds for time of: 1 Rope Climb/5 Pull Ups 3 Overhead Squats 70/45 10 Wall Balls Post load and time to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGWe only have a 7am session this morning. Also good luck to all the guys competing at WODStock today. Partner WOD Complete 5 x 3 minute rounds of: 12 Front Rack Lunges 60/40 12 Toes to Bar Lateral Burpees – Max reps in remaining time 1 minute rest Score is total Lateral Burpees completed.
CONTINUE READINGPush Press 2-2-2-2-2 Increasing For Time: 10 Power Cleans 60/40 30 Wall Balls 40 Double Unders 15 Power Cleans 60/40 40 Wall Balls 50 Double Unders 20 Power Cleans 60/40 50 Wall Balls 60 Double Unders Post load and time to the whiteboard
CONTINUE READINGOverhead Squat 3-3-3-3 Increasing (2sec pause) Complete as many reps of the ladder in 10 minutes of: 2 Thrusters 50/30 4 Strict Ring Dips 4 Thrusters 50/30 6 Strict Ring Dips 6 Thrusters 50/30 8 Strict Ring Dips 8 Thrusters 50/30 10 Strict Ring Dips 10 Thrusters 50/30 12 Strict Ring Dips 12 Thrusters 50/30 […]
CONTINUE READINGComplete 4 rounds for time of: 500m Run 5 Deadlifts 125/85 8 Bar Muscle Ups/15 Chest to Bar Post time to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGPress 5-5-5-5 21-15-9 for time of: Front Squats 80/55 Burpee Box Jumps Post load and time to the whiteboard.
CONTINUE READINGWe are closed today for the Ekka Holiday and will reopen on the Tuesday with normal hours. Here’s a workout that can be completed at home. Complete 6 rounds for time of: 400m Run 90 seconds Rest Post total time to comments.