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Zucchini Slice

By admin | In | on December 14, 2017

Zucchini SliceZucchini Slice

Ingredients (6 servings):

• 6 eggs,

• 3 carrots (sliced)

• 3 zucchinis (sliced)

• 4 tbsp coconut milk

• 10 olives

• salt and pepper

• 1 tsp oregano (optional)


1. Crack the eggs into a NutriBullet or processor, add coconut milk, olives, salt and pepper and blend until you have a combined and even mixture.

2. Grab a baking dish, lined with baking paper and add you sliced carrot and zucchini, separating them out and evenly lining the bottom of the dish.

3. Pour your egg mixture over the top of your vegetables, making sure you get into all the corners.
4. Bake in the oven for approx 20 minutes at 180° until cooked through.


Source: The Chief Life

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